I’m sure this happens to a majority of us. The last month of the year comes and we take a moment to look back. We wonder how we got where we are. We reflect on the days, weeks, and months and generally appreciate the fact that yet another year has been filled with our very essence.
It’s amazing what 300 days plus can bring you. I remember day 1 of the year. I remember how I felt when I woke up, what I did, what I wore, and how that day went. I remember myself thinking of how great I wanted the year to be and to find myself here at the tail end, I really cannot say where the time has gone.
I want to take time to appreciate the year, to allow myself to bask in the fact that I have life. That I am here. That I did make it. It’s no news that every year comes with its own chapters in the book called life but there is the general feature, of ups, downs, good, bad, sad, and happy times. Yet, in all of this, another year has come and I did survive.
I want to say thank you to ’23 for teaching me my worth, my value, my importance. For teaching me strength even in my darkest times. I want to say thank you for removing the ‘toxic’ from my life and for the solid people you brought and have kept in my corner. I want to say thank you that I never lacked. I want to say thank you for family, more so the friends turned family. Thank you for all the laughter you brought me. For all the daily necessities; food, clothes, shelter.
I want to say thank you for love. Love so pure, so real, so full and so genuine. Thank you for the beautiful memories I am keeping in the pages of my heart. Thank you. It is safe to say my two zero two three was God all the way and I couldn’t have asked for better.
So here’s to 24. To even more amazing, all-round wonderfulness. To commitment, consistency, showing up, and a beautiful beautiful year.
12/12. We did it!
-I am not particularly interested in saving time; I prefer to enjoy it.
Eduardo Galeano