To The Colours of The World

Maybe the difference between you and I colours the world

Maybe the pink in my soul compliments the wholesomeness of the brown that makes up your life.

Maybe the red that dispels the romance in your heart gives that touch to the white in the walls I have carefully laid to call home.

Sometimes, the shade of you cannot be understood.

Sometimes, we are asked to tone down what makes us who we are until our greys become too black for us to remember how unique we are.

Sometimes, we are afraid to be unapologetically the loudest orange we can be.

We are different because we form a piece of the puzzle that only we can fit.

We are different because the calmness of the blues in you can never be the spontaneity of the yellows in me and that is okay because we sure can mix it up and form the most beautiful greens in the world.


We are different because I am me and you, can only be the best version of yourself.

Maybe the colours in our stars were made to balance each other out or maybe not.

But hiding your light to make people comfortable hurts you more than it helps them.

Our journey was made so unique to us. If only we take another look, we would see how beautiful our person makes the story. We would see how important the brilliance of who we are, makes our world a much better place.

Maybe the blues that come with the new year will show up. This time, how about we touch it up with just the right amount of ourselves to give it that shine. To make it the brightest, coolest year in our lives.


To the bold and beautiful, to the calm and bright.


Have a colourful new year!

I cannot continue to live as half of myself simply because it’s hard for others to handle all of me.

-Rachel Hollis

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