Have you heard the bells ring? 


It comes with a beautiful tune. Rhythms that say it is okay to take it easy on yourself and enjoy the reason for the season


The beauty of the season is how it comes. You wake up one morning, and it is in the air. The coolness in the atmosphere. The lights. The greens and the reds. The love. The magic of Christmas. Somehow the spirit of togetherness calmly takes place uninvited but very welcomed. 


The melodies remind us of the reason we celebrate. It brings with it a great joy to a world in need. In that, whatever the months prior must have dealt, there is peace. There is newness. Most of all, there is the One who would never let you go. 


This year, I have learned that Jesus loves me. Though, I have heard this a million and one times more. This time, I not only know I believe that nothing could ever separate me from His love. There is nothing I could do or not do to stop Him from loving me. Is that not why Christmas? Is that not why we rejoice? The journey to resurrection. The reason why we can enjoy these moments begins with that single act of sacrifice. 


So, even as we look forward to the jingle in the bells. Let us not forget to spend time with our family and friends. To show genuine care to someone, to spread kindness and to love. 

Here is to another Christmas, 


We may not be feeling our best. We may not have gotten everything we wanted. But we made it!!! That right there is something special. 


Can you hear the bells ring? It is the 25th!


Merry Christmas everyone! You rock. 

What is Christmas? It is the tenderness of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future.

-Agnes M. Pharo

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