The story starts with a long walk.

It took two miles to realize that the pain didn’t hurt anymore. Or at least not as it used to. It was easier because it does get easier.

At the sharp bend, where the birds had their little home. The ones with the band, playing one of their favourite tunes.

It was there she found that the monsters who had made a home in her head, the ones that kept her up all night; voices that made living unbearable. Somehow, they had used the back door.

Alas, she could enjoy the melody.

A little further down the road, was the town’s bakery. There, old Jackson sat. They used to be best buds. He’d pick her up and take her straight to the cookie aisle.

It was there she remembered that the fragrance of the dough was one of her favourite things as a child.

The bakery was still as packed as it used to be. How could she have missed that? How could she have forgotten the little things? The things that lifted her soul.

It was far more than just the dough. It was everything she had left behind and the future she was becoming.

At the far right of the street. Where the ants made a home for themselves. Building one of the finest architecture the world may never know. 

It was there, it all happened. Where she was told her world may never be the same again.

Where she was told it would be better to let go, to move on, to stop fighting.

It was right there….

Today, it was at this same spot where the sun seemed to be at its brightest. The sky, clear as day. That the throb in her heart simmered.

She could breathe again….

Because at the end of the day. It was all up to her, the battle her own, the world her canvas.

She could do with it as she pleased…


To choose. To dream. To love. To hope.

I would rather have thirty minutes of something wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.

-Steel Magnolias (The movie)

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